Frequently asked questions

Can I integrate this dashboard with backend of my choice?

Yes. You are free to use any backend with this dashboard.

Are your dashboards well-coded?

Feel free to check free admin dashboard versions on GitHub

May I return the dashboard if I don't think I'm satisfied?

Yes, you can check a purchased item and request a refund within 24 hours (14 days on Extended license)

Can I buy Standard License and upgrade it to Extended later?

You can upgrade license whenever you want by just paying the difference.

Drop an email to viktor@justboil.me

What is the difference between free and premium dashboard versions?

Free items are simple dashboards with basic stuff. Premium versions are more advanced. Feel free to check the demos!

Do I have to keep your copyrights?

Free items are licensed under MIT, so you have to keep our copyrights. Premium items allow you to remove copyrights.

Can I use premium dashboard in an open-source project?

Yes, since you add our link to your Readme.md:

Built with JustBoil templateTitle - templateUrl (example)

What I have to do if I've paid but didn't receive the product?

There can be some delivery delays.

You should get an e-mail with a link to the product within 30 minutes. Please make sure you've checked your Spam folder for our emails.

If more than 30 minutes passed please contact us at viktor@justboil.me and we will manually take care of your order.

What if purchased product doesn't work?

First of all, JustBoil's products work. I have tested them, hundreds of people before had already used them.

There may be a bug or something missing in the process you are undergoing, so please contact me to get to the bottom of it.

Send an e-mail to viktor@justboil.me and I'll get back to you, within the next 24-48 hours (business days only).

What if I don't know how to use the product?

To be able to use JustBoil's products, you need minimum knowledge of web development and front-end.

Check related framework's tutorials. Also, there's a Readme, on where to start, if you are at the beginning.

I'm not required to pay VAT

Please fill your VAT ID at the invoice page, after your purchase is complete.

In case of any questions, please drop an e-mail to viktor@justboil.me.

We'll automatically refund the VAT amount paid.

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